belong to 造句的相关图片

belong to 造句

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belong to造句

It has belonged to our family for a long time.它成为我们的家产已很多年了。That book belongs to me.那本书属于我。That dictionary belongs to the library...

用belong to造句

1、The Chinese belong to the yellow race.释义:中国人属于黄种人。2、I have every reason to be confident of o...


以下是几个使用"belong to"的非谓语动词造句的例子:复合句中的使用:"The book which belongs to the library is about witchcraft."(属于图书馆的书籍是关于巫...

belong to用非谓语造句

belong to造句:I belong to no party.我不属于任何派别 解析:造句,动词词语,是指用词语组织句子。今亦以指初等学校语文练习内容之一。词目:造句 基本:[sente...

用belonged to造句,求啊,很急

皇室的领地并非属于国王私人所有,而是属于国家的。What party do you belong to?你属于哪一党派?The more help a man have in his garden, the less it belong t...


The house belonging to my grandfather is large.我祖父的房子很大。As is known to us all, China is a developing country belonging to the third world.我们...


That bag doesn't belong to me.那个袋子不是我的。Don't take away the things that don't belong to you.不要带走不属于你的东西 =Don't take away what doesn't...

用belong to 造句,这个发带一定是mary的

The hair band must belong to Mary.你的句意是表肯定推测,所以必须用虚拟语气must

以"must be,could be,belong to,can't be" 造句

you must be go to school on could be shopping with me.this book belongs to can't be doing such foolish thing

用sth belong to sb造句子

The pen belongs to me.这钢笔是我的 如不明白请追问,要是满意请【采纳】祝学习进步

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