certificate of completion是什么意思的相关图片

certificate of completion是什么意思

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certificate of completion的意思


certificate of completion是什么意思

certificate of completion 词典 [经] 竣工证书,竣工证明 网络 结业证书; 完工证书; 完成证书 双语例句 Subsequent to issuance of certificate of completion, t...

certificate of completion是什么意思

竣工证明书 完工证明 例句:1、A certificate of completion will be awarded to all participants who complete the workshop.完成该课程的参加者将会取得结业证...

certificate of completion是什么意思

certificate of completion 结业证书 竣工证明书 完工证明 A certificate of completion will be awarded to all participants who complete the workshop.完成该...

certificate of completion中文是什么意思

完工证明 竣工证明

certificate of completion of是什么意思

1. He was afforded a certificate upon completion of his course of study.他结业时被授予证书.2. The quarantine authority shall issue a phytosanitary certi...

of Analysis与COC Certificate of Completion区

COC Certificate of Completion 完工证明书 只是提及该材料通过检测合格,即产品合格证明。COR Cash on Reciept 见...

产品的COC,COR,COA 分别是哪三个单词,是什么意思,有

COC Certificate of Completion 完工证明书 只是提及该材料通过检测合格,即产品合格证明。COR Cash on Reciept 见...

lesson for the Certificate of completion “Yo




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