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violence video games

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Nowadays, violent video games online have become increasingly popular among students. Many people hold the v...


Nowadays, violent video games online have become increasingly popular among students. Many people hold the v...

Do violent video games make people more violent?

The main evidence for the link between video games and violence is found in lab studies in which participants are assigned to play violent games, then t...

be the reason for the increase in violence an

Most of the bad effects of video games are blamed on the violence they contain. Children who play more violent video games are more likely to have incr...

Do video games make their users violent?

Do violent video games lead to real-life violence? Most gamers would argue vehemently that they do not, and that might be true. But two studies conducte...

the most popular video games contain violence

B B 考察代词辨析。句意:几乎百分之90最流行的电子游戏都含有暴力,而且大部分都及其暴力。Much of意为大部分,许多;修饰不可数名词。题中的it指代violence,...


robbery and other violence reported. The second form is fantasy violence, referring to a scene in some TV drama and entertainment programs exist, such a...


Good 5: play the game the more the didn't violent Researchers in the United States through clinical trials found that for more than ten years for young ...


Violence is a term used to describe behavior or actions that cause harm or injury to others. Actions that are violent can include physical attacks, verb...


If they play these games a long time, they may also settle disagreements through violence, which may give rise to higher crime rate. Therefore, it is ti...

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